
Bauer Built: Supporting the Next Generation of Farmers

How important is it to invest in our nation’s next generation of farmers, veterinarians, biologists, and agricultural scientists? Consider for a moment how big and complex the U.S. agriculture industry actually is: like, 354 million tons big. That’s the amount of corn our country produces yearly. Some of it goes into your morning bowl of […]

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Giving Our Farmers Support During National Agriculture Month

With National Agriculture Day coming up on March 21st, it’s important to take some time to celebrate all that our nation’s agricultural industry provides for us. Farmers have an incredibly difficult and time-sensitive job and, all too often, it feels as though there are not enough services out there to support them. As we move […]

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Increase Crop Yield and Profits with Michelin Ultraflex Technology

While the first documented use of pneumatic tires for farming in the United States was in the 1870s, it wasn’t until after the turn of the century for the concept to really start growing.  By 1935, approximately 14% of tractors sold in the US were equipped with pneumatic tires. That number inflated to 43% by […]

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