
Improve Traction This Winter With Tire Chains

Tire chains provide your fleet with the extra tooth needed to navigate slippery roads safely in winter. Snow tires offer traction, but chains provide driving security on roads that aren’t regularly plowed or salted or where elevation changes can hinder road conditions. Here are some advantages to using tire chains and tips for proper installation. […]

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How Farm Tires Compact Soil

Soil contains pores that are filled with water and air. When heavy equipment rolls over a field, the pressure compresses the pores. Soil becomes dry and lacks nutrients resulting in lost crop yield and erosion if you’re not focused on the impact tires have on your fields. You need the right tires to bring in […]

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Bauer Built: Friend to the Farming Industry

There are roughly 2.1 million farms across the United States, and nearly every one of them is family-owned and tended. Each farm feeds approximately 165 people globally each year. The efforts of the American farmer deserve gratitude and reverence. And with the world’s population predicted to increase to 9.7 billion by 2050, the farming industry’s […]

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Get Out of a Rut with Your Agriculture Equipment

It’s no secret that soil compaction by agricultural machinery is a primary component of damage in the field. Driving over the same spaces creates ruts and shear, which can take a toll on quality of the soil, water content, and production. Ruts can plague your bottom line, allowing nothing to grow, and cause water stagnation […]

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Bauer Built Tire Wraps Up Ag Month with a Tip of the Hat to Hard-Working Farmers

They say the month of March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion. While we’re not sure that old maxim was true this year, we at Bauer Built did enjoy the chance to honor our agriculture partner brands and valued customers during the month. Now that we’re moving on to April […]

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